Do you talk to God? Seriously? When you are alone, do you talk to God? Do you pray? Prayer is a conversation with God. If you pray, do you pray consistently?
When we are in relationship with other people, there are things we require from these people in order to have a meaningful, loving, faithful and long-lasting relationship with them.
Key factors in a meaningful, loving, faithful and long-lasting relationship are love, communication (honesty and authenticity), trust and respect. Most people require these important components when they are in a relationship with someone. Well, these are components that God requires from us, to be in relationship with Him. God is not looking for perfection. There is one perfect person to God and that is His son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. God knows we can have a sinful nature, but He loves us and wants us to be in a relationship with Him anyway. God wants us to be in relationship with Him, so that we will allow God's word to teach us how to repent (make a sincere change) for our sins. God also wants us to be saved, through his son, Jesus Christ. Being saved, simply means, accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
-John 14:6 (NIV)
When we go to God to talk or pray, we have to go before Him with a sincere heart and faith. There is no point going to God with the intent to disobey God and to not believe in what God can do in your life. We also have to go to God with a grateful heart instead of always asking or complaining about something and wanting God to fix it. We should not treat God like a genie in a bottle.
Something we should understand is, God does not need us, but we do need Him. God loves us and He wants to be everything to us.
When we make God the center of our lives and surrender to God's will and not our own, then the relationships outside of God will reflect God.
If we don't have a relationship with God and love God; as well as knowing who we are through God, it is impossible to be in a meaningful, faithful, loving and long-lasting relationship with others. You cannot love God and hate others. God loves us and He expects us to love others, if we say, we love God.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.
-Mark 12:30-31(NKJV)
While relationship with others can end sometimes with/without our knowledge and control, we have the choice of an eternal (no beginning or end) relationship with God.
God is always with us but many of us don't acknowledge God's presence. Begin your relationship with God by acknowledging his presence in your life...Thank Him...Praise Him. It's ok, let people see you and hear you acknowledge God, they may become inspired to do the same.
Having a loving, faithful, true and authentic relationship with God will transform you. If you allow God's word to convict, cleanse and correct your heart and renew your mind and spirit, it will transform you. Let us, allow God's word to transform us from the inside out.