For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror, for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. -
James 1:23-25
I am using the word of God to examine myself and to make changes in my life. What I realize is; just reading, hearing, sharing, or reciting the word of God, does not make me a doer of the word of God. To please God and become who He created me to be, I must actively apply the word of God to my life. I use the word of God to inspire myself and others. I have to also use the word of God to correct myself and to help others correct themselves.
I think a lot of us will agree that hearing the word of God and even sharing the word of God is easier and more comfortable than acting on God's word. How many of us know, that when we operate in purpose or in the gifts that God has given us, we have to give up the idea of being comfortable? As a matter of fact, taking action is going to cause discomfort. I guarantee you, the promises of God is well worth any temporary discomfort.
Praying for something to happen is only the first step in taking action towards our goals. We must make sure that when we pray, we ask God to align our plans with His plans for us. When we go to God and ask Him for help, guidance, and blessings, we must believe that God can do what we ask of Him. If what we ask for, aligns with God's will for our lives, God will let us know. God will tell us in our spirit, what He wants us to do, to move forward. God speaks to us in a quiet, still voice. When you pray, make sure you are in a quiet place. It is hard to hear God's voice when you are surrounded by noise and chaos, this includes your thoughts. Consistent prayer and meditation are important because they connect us to God.
After hearing from God, we must take some action. If we go to God about specific things that He has given us to do, we must start moving towards what GOD wants us to do. God will let us know when and how to proceed. We must obey God's will and not our own. God knows what is best for us. Problems arise when we are not obedient to God's plan, and we think we know better than God does, and we get in the way of the plan that God has for us.
We must not let fear, laziness, anxiety, or people's opinions, stop us from pursuing what God has for us to do.
These are simple and effective steps that can be used to take some action:
Write down the vision God has given you.
Pray and ask God what steps to take.
Gather information on what you need to make the vision come to life. This will take time and work, but it is completely necessary. You will have to read and talk to other people.
Use and apply the information you have gathered. This is the hardest step for most people but there is no point in doing the other steps if you are not going to take any action. Take at least one hour a day to work on your purpose/business/vision/gift.
Do not get stuck on gathering information.
Do not just read all the books, watch all the Tik Toks, and YouTube videos and then do nothing. We must take action.
Do not get stuck on just praying. Please don't say to yourself, "God heard my prayer, I will just sit here, and wait for Him to do what I asked for." Even after we pray, we must take action.
Did God give you a vision to open a business, but you are dragging and procrastinating? Ask yourself why you are dragging and procrastinating? Are the reasons bigger than the purpose/vision God has given you? Remember, your purpose is not about you. Your purpose is much bigger than you.
Do you realize, if God has made it clear to you, that there is something you must do, and God has created a path for you to do what you need to do...the only person stopping you is you? Ouch!
We must also stay consistent with our actions. Do you have a problem with staying consistent?
We've been praying, plotting, planning, and playing long enough. It is time to take action and keep moving, don't stop.
Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
- James 1:22